Credits & Recognition

Haystacks & Hell is made possible by the following:

Abby and Ami: Seventh-day Atheist Podcast

Huge thanks to Abby and Ami, the authors and creators of the Seventh-day Atheist Podcast which began in 2014. Seven years later, Santiago discovered their archived episodes and eventually reached out to them in 2022. Abby and Ami granted Santiago a license to republish and create derivative works from their original podcast audio, providing a wealth of ideas and material for Haystacks & Hell to draw inspiration from.

Please note: Abby and Ami are not affiliated with Haystacks & Hell and do not automatically endorse this project or any of the content we produce.

Our Listeners and Supporters

Thank you! Whether you’re just listening or also supporting us financially, we appreciate it. In the future, we’ll highlight all recurring donors on this page.

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