Oh No Ross and Carrie

Ross and Carrie Await the End times: Amazing Facts Edition (Part 1)

Sick of alternative facts? Good news! In this episode, Ross and Carrie respond to a junk-mail ad for an end times prophecy seminar, and show up to learn from the Bible, via a semi-mysterious group called Amazing Facts. Find out who the antichrist is!

Ross and Carrie Await the End times: Saturday Edition (Part 2)

We attend more talks by Amazing Facts, with no end in sight. Learn why worshipping on Sunday is bad, evolution is wrong, and Ross is a bad husband. Plus, Carrie confronts the pastor, and the group tips their hand about what church they’re affiliated with.

Ross and Carrie Await the End times: When is Hell Edition (Part 3)

Ross and Carrie learn more Amazing Facts: what happens to our bodies, spirits and souls when we die (those are all different things), how the TWO resurrections are going down, who we will reign over for a 1000 years, and what the hell is up with Hell.

Ross and Carrie Await the End times: Mark of the Beast Edition (Part 4)

Join us as we round our fiftieth hour at Amazing Facts, learn about 19th-century prophetess Ellen White, get highly annoyed by a man in a gold suit, and finally, FINALLY find out what the Mark of the Beast is. Plus, Ross is moved to convert... his diet.

Ross and Carrie Await the End times: The End is Here (Part 5)

Our faithful teachers finally admit they're here to convert us to Seventh Day Adventism. Cringe along as Carrie, Ross, and their friend Jim awkwardly decline to join, then learn to stop wearing jewelry, eating meat, and watching Disney movies.

Ross and Carrie Meet David Steward: Seventh day Adventist Edition

A very special interview with Amazing Facts instructor David Steward, the most mild-mannered guy who ever warned you about the Antichrist. We discuss his seminars, Seventh Day Adventist theology, vegetarianism, and our approach to investigating religions.

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